God Of Carnage coming to CMH May 6th!

Rehearsals are underway for our Spring production, God of Carnage!
May 6th-15th @ The Cohoes Music Hall.

Winner of the 2009 Tony Award. “[A] streamlined anatomy of the human animal…delivers the cathartic release of watching other people’s marriages go boom. A study in the tension between civilized surface and savage instinct, this play is itself a satisfyingly primitive entertainment.” —NY Times. “Elegant, acerbic and entertainingly fueled on pure bile. It’s Reza’s sharpest work since 'Art'.” —Variety. “Brutally entertaining…in another of Christopher Hampton’s exquisite translations, [Reza] cannily manipulates social observations that appeal to vast audiences and creates characters that bring out the best in actors.” —NY Newsday. “Reza has established herself as a master [of] magnificently constructed plays.” —Entertainment Weekly.

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